If you last year at 1 April Cydia alternative download store opened you saw suddenly a 'Twitter Quick Bar' are, perhaps better known as the 'Dickbar. In March 2011 there was much fuss about the quickbar in the official Twitter app in addition to trending topics also reflected advertising and was not possible to remove. Saurik added for 1 april 2011 quickbar similar to Cydia, but this code never afterwards removed. To prevent the Cydia quickbar this year appears there is an update soon appeared that removes the unnecessary code.
To update to win the best you can open Cydia and it will for most people automatically. Otherwise you can manually check for new updates.
Jay Freeman (Saurik) @ Saurik
For April Fools' 2011, I did a Twitter-inspired "dickbar" in Cydia, I apparently never removed the code and it just checks for "April 1". : (
Jay Freeman (Saurik) @ Saurik
Axle many users just get confused and angry Regarding Cydia's April Fools' jokes, I have pushed Cydia 1.1.6 (All which Removes the obsolete code).