According to the quality newspaper The Wall Street Journal , Google is planning to start an online shop where she got her own Nexus tablets can sell. Google in 2012 is expected to own at least one tablet on the market, presumably ASUS will be made and would be equipped Android 5.0 Jellybean. This tablet would be $ 199 (or less must be expense) and will have to compete with the Amazon Kindle Fire. The 7 inch tablet from Amazon's store after the iPad tablet the most successful in the United States.
In 2010 sold the search giant Google Nexus One on its own website, but this was not a great success. Mainly because the unit was only sold separately (for $ 529.99) and not in conjunction with a subscription. In the United States, the majority of phones sold in combination with a subscription, as is the case in the Netherlands. If you bought a Nexus One then you still had a contract with T-Mobile close because this is the only provider that had the hardware of the Nexus One supported.
The 'Nexus tablet Google would get a 7 inch screen and very competitively priced to compete with other tablets that can go. With this tablet itself directly to consumers they need to sell less profitable to pay to third parties and can keep the price low. For example, Amazon's Kinde Fire with a small loss selling because they expect the deficit back later to earn.