Steps is a task list app that the visible options to a minimum. The comparison with the previously discussed Clear is therefore obvious. Both apps speak a very specific audience: people who do not fuss too much and just look what daily tasks like planning. Are your project and you need to manage projects worth millions, you can of course be better to choose a more extensive app. Steps made by River, a relatively unknown developer. The main difference with Steps is that much more useful features in it.
You can do more with it than just simple to-do lists make - what with having the reminders app by default in IOS 5 is even though you do. Steps with circles indicates whether a task is completed or yet to be done. On the start screen you see the list of open and closed tasks. With the plus sign to add a new task, where you only need to type in a name. You can tap to edit or tapping a task to a list to add. Steps does not like Clear with only finger smudges, but also has buttons such as Done button when finished. You can also enter end dates with times and add notes, something not possible at Clear. In short: you found Clear bit too minimalist, it seems Steps a nice compromise. You also get notifications when a task must be completed. That you can sync with Google Tasks and icloud is also a nice plus.