Most iTunes users report Match stuck at step 2 of the configuration process. In this step, all songs in your iTunes library matched with tracks in the iTunes Store. For many, the counter at any number of songs hang. Others said to suffer from a very slow synchronization process, while a few even claim that during the synchronization process, the number of matched numbers even deteriorated from night to day.
What is the exact cause of it remains to be seen, since Apple has given no explanation. Because iTunes Match at once is rolled out in 19 new countries (double), the Apple servers can be overloaded. One solution is to remove all pending numbers, but many users say are still having problems running against.
On the Apple support forum already passed in review several possible solutions, but none of these appears to be a universal challenge. Probably wait patiently until the synchronization is complete or wait for an explanation (and solution) from Apple for now the only option.