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Facebook, Google and Twitter sites threaten to turn black

Maybe you in the media ever heard come over, but in America they are working on a antipiraterijwet, called SOPA. All this seems a far-from-our-bed-show, introducing SOPA means nothing less than the end of the Internet as we know it today. Several major Internet companies including Facebook, Google, Twitter, PayPal, eBay and Amazon are totally against the SOPA legislation and are now threatening to protest their sites set on black.

This Markham Erickson of NetCoalition reported by the American news Fox News. NetCoalition is a collaboration of several Internet companies and scientists who oppose the bill SOPA times. How, where and when the action will take place, is not yet known.

What's SOPA
SOPA, an acronym for Stop Online Piracy Act, the U.S. government the right without the intervention of a judge to put on black Web sites if they infringe on the trademark and copyright. This applies to both U.S. and foreign sites.

"Great Firewall of America
According the U.S. government to build a SOPA "Great Firewall of America. In that title is not entirely coincidentally, a reference to the strict censorship of the Chinese government, where American politics are themselves often criticized has (had). Thus, Tech Dirt will introduce the SOPA affect virtually every site where users can post their own content (and possibly copyrighted work sharing) including among social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. But blog and sharing platforms like Tumblr, SoundCloud, Ebay, Flickr, Wikipedia, Craigslist (the American Marketplace), WordPress ".

The danger lies in the law under which the critics so Facebook in the power of copyright owners receive. They will soon be able to suspected copyright violations online sites to get. This can lead to abuse and false allegations which the site owner to prove his innocence. At present it so that after notification of copyright infringement the site should take steps to copyrighted material online to get (within a reasonable time). A system whereby websites so just be online, but only the violation is addressed.

Despite pressure from scientists and the Internet, it seems the U.S. House of Representatives still have to feel for the lobby of the film and music industries. The proponents of the SOPA know until now own a hearing on the law governing the opponents of the law may be heard to stop.

The debate on the bill later this month will be resumed, and the question is how the freedom of the Internet as we know it will work. It is guessing or when-and Internet companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Google sites in protest at the decision to turn black .. that a historical but also unreal day course will be clear.

                                               SOPA Cabana (by Dan Bull)

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