During yesterday, Dolphin browser has received a major update, now reaching version 3.0, and among the novelties implemented include full compatibility with first iOS 5, have been solved many bugs from previous version, and is more stable now with greatly enhanced performance.
For those not aware, you may be wondering what is so special about this browser and you still had and has such a great success. Well, it is gestures that provides its users to take different actions. More specifically, to navigate to a specific web page or return to the previous page or to refresh a web page so you can use only some simple gestures, rather than stop using the buttons provided by the browser. Of course, it remains the choice if you choose this method users to surf the internet, is only an alternative option.
Dolphin browser is very well designed, with a very successful interface, loads pages quickly, offers many customization features, supports fullscreen mode and more, issues which deserve at least tested by everyone, especially since it's free . The only drawback that I do not because it is mainly used as a browser that does not save your login and each time you visit a site where it is needed (eg Google with all its applications) must enter my data, which it becomes annoying, especially when I do this a few times good day.
Here's the changelog for Dolphin Browser 3.0:
1. Easier process for adding new columns Webzine
2. Improved performance and stability Overall
3. Improved the Overall Performance and Stability
4. Fixed loading issues for easier browsing page
5. Fixed crash bugs on iOS May
6. That issue Fixed popup keyboard Certain websites Affected
Dolphin Browser is available for free in App Store.