The iPhone Dev Team has GreenPois0n Absinthe addition, the Corona injector CLI (Command Line Interface) which released the jailbreak an iPhone or iPad 2 4S manually by advanced users step by step can be performed. Since last night there is a version of the jailbreak tool for Windows. The readme.txt contains examples of how the tool can be used. Soon the functionality that the iPhone and iPad 4S 2 to jailbreak also be added to the known redsn0w jailbreak tool.
Performing a jailbreak Corona Injector CLI
Manually performing a jailbreak using the CLI Corona Injector is only recommended if you are an advanced user with experience with the command line. Enter your first jailbreak from one, then you would be wise to wait until the Chronic Dev Team a Windows version of an opinion of their jailbreak GUI tool.
- Download the Corona Injector CLI
- Open Cmd.exe
- Go to cd into the directory where the file is cinject.exe
- Use the command: cinject.exe-i payloads / jailbreak.mobileconfig
- Use the command: cinject.exe-j payloads
- Use the command: cinject.exe-w
- Disconnect the VPN switch in the Settings menu
- You get an error message and your phone will reboot
- Cydia will if it is properly installed