After the exploits of
@ pod2g last week were used to the iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, third and fourth generation iPod touch and the original iPhone
untethered to jailbreak is now the second generation Apple TV's turn. With the specialized tool Seas0nPass jailbreak is now very easy to second-generation Apple TV iOS 4.4.4 jailbreak untethered to (similar to iOS 5.0.1). If you are already a
tethered jailbreak had led from the second generation Apple TV iOS 4.4.4 you can use to re Seas0nPass untethered jailbreak it.
Users who are still on an older version of IOS would sit on
IOS 4.4.4 to update for
new features such as mirroring and AirPlay access to the photo stream of icloud.
Plex is currently not appropriate for Apple TV iOS 4.4. 4. The next jailbreak plugins are currently at least for IOS 4.4.4:
- Couch Surfer
- Media Player
- NitoTV
- Overflow
- Remote HD
- Rowmote
- RSS Feeds
- Weather