An almost similar device, the Samsung Nexus S, will get an update while it technically is hardly any different: the same processor and same amount of memory. Even the screen is the same, says the Web site Phone Arena. That updating the Nexus S is much simpler, undoubtedly to do with the fact that no adjustments are made. At the Nexus S, there is a 'bare' version of Android without skins and additional bundled software.
There is another reason behind are not updating the Samsung Galaxy S. If the Android 4.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy S II available is its predecessor two years old. At the same time, many two-year subscriptions expire. Samsung guess there may be up, then people are more inclined to buy a new phone. The first generation Galaxy Tab 7-inch round spring will even be quite old. This machine is also no update. Owners of Samsung Galaxy S II and Samsung Galaxy Note in early 2012 to update, so you could read more on Android Planet. In October, Samsung confirmed that all the Samsung Galaxy S II.