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Privacy on Facebook: Decide who your status updates, messages and share photos

Privacy and social networking have never been very good friends and that is because we are increasingly sharing information is not much better. status update, photos, videos, likes and everything is on your Facebook profile.

Facebook has recently set privacy related issues much easier, but we still have many questions about the better shielding and Facebook status updates on your bulletin board. What's not crazy, because protecting your privacy is very important of course! In this article, you'll find all information about the privacy settings on Facebook!

Privacy Settings on Facebook

To ensure that not just anyone finds out everything about you and can see and read, you can specifically indicate what information with whom you want to share. So you ensure that certain information is available only to people you know well such, or not share with people who are away from you (friends of the past, for example).

To select with whom you share information offers Facebook two options, the first public selection (Facebook calls it self the inline public selection or inline audience selector when Facebook used in English) and the Facebook Privacy Settings.

In this article we'll do everything on the Privacy settings and the Audience Selection. We explain you how to customize the default settings, and how a status update can specify who can view and read the update.

Privacy determine when Posting

To start you on a Facebook status updates, photos or other updates, decide who you want to share with the audience selection. During or after installing the update, you can specify selection into the public with whom you want to share (the "public").

Setting up the audience with whom you share nothing but a simple update in your post on the Public Selector button and give it to whoever you want to share the update.

How do I know who share the things I can check?

Before you post, you can use the select audience. In the list box, choose who you want to share the update.

You have the following menu 'public' choices:

  • Public (maximum adult audiences)
  • Friends of friends (maximum audience for minors)
  • Friends (+ friends of anyone who was tagged)
  • Custom (such as specific groups, friends lists, or people you've selected to include or exclude)


If you share something with the setting "Public" means that anyone on the Internet is allowed to see. You should only use this setting for any content you like it that really everyone can see and read the update. Something you 'Public' shares can also be read by people who are not your friends (or even Facebook users) are, and people who are not part of your school or work.

Friends of friends

With "Friends of friends" you share your comment with your Facebook friends and their immediate friends. It may still be a lot of people your messages / photos etc to see. It can still prevent people from seeing your update that you do not know, because they are friends with one of your friends. For minors on Facebook, this is the most "open" setting to share updates.

Friends (+ friends of anyone who was tagged)

This option lets you do things on the board of Facebook friends places. If someone else in a message is tagged, the public is extended to the tagged person and his or her friends can see the update.


When you "Custom" option, allow us to selectively share with specific people, or hidden for others. You can also share updates with specific friends lists (SmartList). Example, you can only share with people some updates from your 'family' or 'Dear friends' list or just hide your' Colleagues list. With the option 'Custom' you can update to share with groups or networks you belong (eg, your school, sports or student). Finally, you also have the content completely private by 'Only me' option so that only you can see the message. The latter is especially useful to your timeline for yourself to be completely filled as a kind of diary with no one else can read everything.

The selected audience remembers your last choice every time and uses the selected audience the next time you share something. For example, choose "Public" for a message, then your next message automatically public unless you adjust for the award (or after placement changes).

If you want to change who you decide a message, the information open to the public selection and choose another group to share. Please note! Tag your guests in a message, then the friends of these people also see the update.

Default privacy settings

You can of course just one time forgot to set the public selection, for example if you Saturday night in a crowded bar is and just want to quickly check whether an image upload. Nor is it easy to update each time a set with whom you want to share something. Fortunately, you can also set on Facebook who you want to share your updates by default. This is done in the menu item Facebook Privacy Settings.

You find the privacy settings when you right in the blue bar on Facebook, click on the arrow that points down and then choose "Privacy Settings".

Also the default Facebook privacy settings you select one of the following audiences:

  • Public (maximum adult audiences)
  • Friends of friends (maximum audience for minors)
  • Friends (+ friends of anyone who was tagged)
  • Custom (such as specific groups, friends lists, or people you've selected to include or exclude)

What does share with 'Everyone' and 'Public'?

Previously called Facebook the "Public" setting "Everyone". This caused confusion sometimes, because 'everyone' could also be read as "my friends", as you update everyone on the Internet can be viewed and read.

To clarify, Facebook has chosen to "Everyone" now "public" to call. Did you put something in the past visible to "Everyone"? Then the update visible to anyone on the Internet, but will now update every "Public" are.

How do you select the audience for older updates?

If you have posted in the past updates that are shared by a (too) public institution you can always check each message to suit the audience who may see the message. It is important to remember that people with whom you share something that always share with others. So if you change the audience after you have published something, so you can not prevent someone who already has seen the shares. Please also note that all tagged individuals (and possibly their friends) can also see the message, unless you only me on the message set.

Only once in the Privacy setting for old updates

Under Privacy settings allow you for all your updates in one place the "public" settings. Then choose "The public limit for previous posts." You will adjust the visibility of all earlier updates at once. Please note, you can not undo it (which is only possible through each update manually adjust).

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