Last May had come: the monkeys play a few times each week with the iPads. The plan is to have more animals with iPads to work, so they can draw, watching videos and playing games. It is not the time that orangutans have their own iPhone, they just may be their play with fingers through the fence, an animal caretaker while the holding device. The chance that the monkey smash the tablet is too large. Zimmerman expects the orangutans in the IPAD 15 seconds to destroy. Therefore, the zoo now looking for a robust implementation of the iPad, which was the behavior of animals can withstand. Attaching to the wall and projection of images on a larger screen, is also considered. Visitors can immediately watch.
Yet it seems difficult for an organization that deals with endangered species, to clarify what exactly is the point of the iPad. Zimmerman speaks of "enrichment" of the lives of animals. His next step is to control Wi-Fi access, so the orangutans can look at other species in zoos.
In the movie that was made by the organization, it looks rather awkward time being out. The adjacent image, from an orangutan who holds an iPhone, is not quite like the animals in the cages to happen there.