Weather Screen Lock settings.
Once your app for the first time you get happy bird sounds, and seems like I'm in the local snack bar ( Corner Inn ) I ended up where they play all day bird sounds. You give permission to your current location to identify and push messages to send. After that basically everything is set, the fact that you want to read temperature in degrees Celsius. Optionally, you can manually enter your home if you have no confidence that the app has done it correctly. Tens of thousands of cities worldwide are supported, so choose a place in your area is. Instead of bird sounds you can silence, sounds of jungle, lake or ocean setting.
Weather Lock Screen when you press the home button.
The graphical effects of the app are automatically adjusted to the weather. The app also works automatically with the weather, though it does not say how long the tussenpozne are. However there are two disadvantages to the app. The app must always remain in the background, otherwise you get back your old lock screen image (with just a photo), but this will be a reduction from Apple, where the developer is not much help it. Another disadvantage is that the sounds of nature to continue to play, while the app is no longer opened. I would prefer that the app only makes noises when you just want to see the lock screen. Or better yet, no sounds of nature, because they add nothing to me really. The danger is that iPhones people this app installed endless birdsong continue to play, so the battery is low and people around you frustrated by that geflierefluit ... just like the snack bar, where, after a half hour twittering sometimes again away like. Keep in mind that there is no option to completely turn off the sound, though there is an option 'Silence' in the list (which the iPhone does indeed completely silent).
Nevertheless, a very nice app, which is reminiscent of the weather forecast for rival HTC Sense. You do not need to jailbreak to perform and do not need to install apps like IntelliScreenX.
Download: Lock Screen Weather.