When Esslinger was different: he and his design firm Frog Design introduced the white product, which to this day can be found at Apple. Esslinger designs were executed between 1984 and 1990, from the Apple IIc. The Macintosh at home belongs in that list. Esslinger also worked for Sony and Louis Vuitton. About the Apple IIc and the Macintosh you can read in the biography of Steve Jobs. What it is not listed, is the prototype of a touchscreen phone with a stylus that you should serve.
Also relatively unknown is that Stanford University has an impressive collection of Apple archive material. The Silicon Valley Archives provide insight into the largest collection of historical Apple material available. The Associated Press was allowed to take a look . Once it was set out to create a museum to Apple, but that plan was never realized. The materials were donated in 1997 and thus provide particular insights into the early history of Apple. Later, more museum pieces, which were donated by former Apple employees and fans. Think of blueprints of the first Apple computer, pictures of Steve Jobs' NeXT computer time and a corporate video which is parodied Ghostbusters (see below). Also found in the archives: a loan of $ 5,000 that Apple started. And explain why Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak of Apple chose the name: if they would come before Atari in the phone stand.
The internal Apple advertising "Blue Busters" is a parody made Ghostbusters, a popular movie at that time. Target is Apple's main competitor IBM, often with "Big Blue" was indicated. The movie would also Jobs and Wozniak be visible, though only John Scully (0:50) and Woz (1:56) really easy to recognize.
The museum is located at a secret location to avoid a place of pilgrimage for Apple fans and to prevent burglaries. Parts of the collection have already been published on the web, but are not yet widely known.